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Wednesday 30 January 2013

Week 7 "Doping Problem"

Hello, this is my blog’s seventh topic! Last week, I wrote about “Combined event” one of the track and field events. I have written about all events of track and field between week2 and week5. So today and next week I’ll write about two problems in the track and field games. Today’s topic is “doping problem”. Of course you know the meaning of the word “doping”. It is a severe problem not only track and field but also all spots. So I want to tell you “What is doping?” “Why doping is bad?” “When doping starts?” or more.

First, the word of doping is where come from. The word “dope” was found in a dictionary for the first time is at 1889. At the time, the word means drugs given to the horse race. Originally, “dope” was a strong drink that is drunk at the festival in South Africa. The word refers to excitatory drink later.

Second, what is doping. You might know “doping” is to enhance the competitive ability of athlete by using something that have such effect. Using drugs to enhance one’s ability is contrary to medical ethics. In short, “doping” is to enhance the competitive ability illegally using drugs such as.

Third is why doping is bad. There are three reasons why doping is bad. It is against the sportsmanship, some health damaging effects of the drug and it is a social problem that is drug contamination. I specialize in track and field that is using only my body, so to enhance one’s body using drugs is not fair, I think.

              History of doping is too long, the first record that using drugs to win the game was back to 1865. In 1886, Bicycle race between Bordeaux and Paris, one British player used some drugs, and he died. This is first report of death due to doping. In 1900~1950, Doping was spread to almost every supports events. Track and field is no exception. The introduction of doping test starts 1968. It says that who using some drugs could enter track and field game since 1968. So I think the world records established before 1968 might be due to drug. If it is true, it is sad. In1988, the biggest happening of track and field by doping was occured. The gold medalist of 100m in Seoul Olympic, “Benjamin Sinclair Ben Johnson” was caught in doping test and his gold medal was deprived. After that, there are many athletes who was deprived his or her medals due to doping, it is sad thing. If be elite athlete, I want to them believe there body not to depend on drugs. These problems that choosing such way to use drugs for the win, there are not suitable for spots.

Today I write about doping problem. I am runner who uses only my body, I strongly thought that.
 My 7th week’s topic “doping problem” is over. Next time, I’ll write about “Artificial leg” and be happy you read it. See you next time!!
|Doping problems|   ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;゚ロ゚)  |Artificial leg|

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