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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Week 6 "Combined event"

Hello, this is my blog’s sixth topic! Last week, I wrote about “Throws” one of the track and field events. Since today, I have written about four categories of track and field events, “Sprints and Hurdles”, “Mid- and Long- distances”, “Jumps” and “Throws”. Many players of track and field specialize in one of these categories so there is almost nothing who participates in games in the 100m and shot put or, in the 5000m and high jump.

But there is one event that players do ten events of all four categories in only two days!! All players run and jump and throw and run and… it is very exciting event!! The name is “Combined events”. Ten events that are included the event are “100m”, “Long jump”, “Shot put”, “High jump”, “400m” – these five events are held on the first day – “110mH”, “Discs throw”, “Pole jump”, Javelin throw” and “1500m” – these five events are held on next day – (It is Men’s order. Women’ order is different). How tough and hard event it is!! So the winner called “King of Athlete”.

Let’s see the amazing world records of “King of Athlete”.



9039pt (Ashton Eaton : United States of America)

100m … 10.21s
Long … 8.23m
Shot … 14.20m
High … 2.05m
400m … 46.70s
110mH … 13.70s
Discs … 42.81m
Pole … 5.30m
Javelin … 58.87m
1500m … 4’14”18


8358pt (Austra Skuijyte : Lithuania)

100m … 12.49s
Discs … 46.19m
Pole … 3.10m
Javelin … 48.78m
400m … 57.19s
100mH … 14.22s
Long … 6.12m
Shot … 16.42m
High … 1.78m
1500m … 5’15”86


              Combined event is competed with the points. The points have been determined by the record of each events. The Man’s world record, 9039pt is how amazing can you imagine? The Japanese record is 8073pt. If Ashton Eaton wins 900 points per one event, Ashton can win the Japanese champion without running 1500m that is last event!! His greatness can express by other example. The world record 9039pt was born in June 2012, if he participated in Japan Champion Ship in the same year, he had become the top oh three events, “100m”, “Long jump”, and “110mH”. And more, he ran 400m as a last event of first day, but his time “46.70” is fourth time in the final of Japan Champion Ship in spite of he had done four events “100m”, “Long jump”, “Shot put” and “High jump” before “400m”!!


              By the way, as mentioned early the Japanese record is 8073pt. Do you know this record was born in recent days? The record was made by Ushiro Keisuke in June 2012. It is same time with world record was born!! And he is first player who is over 8000pt as Japanese. Combined event is not very famous in Japan, I want you know there is Japanese who have grown to compete in the world.


Today I write about combined events. It is too exciting and hard event so that the winner called “King of Athlete”!!

 My 6th week’s topic “combined events” is over. Next time, I’ll write about “Doping problems” and be happy you read it. See you next time!!


|Combined events|   ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;゚ロ゚)  |Doping problems|

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