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Sunday 24 February 2013

Week 10 "Olympic"

Hello, this is my tenth & last topic! I have written nine topics since today. I am surprised that  I have written such many topics every week!! At 9th topic I wrote about “IAAF World Championships in Athletics” one of the track and field event. It is a very important event for all runners. Today, I'll write about another big event. Of course you know, it is “Olympic”!!

I wrote in my 1st topic “Track and Field said that started in D.C.776. It is ancient first Olympic”. But as a event of the modern Olympic, track and field started at Athens Olympic in 1896 only men, and at Amsterdam Olympic in 1928 also women.  In the old days there were many events that aren't seen today such as the shot put with using both hands, five mails run, standing long jump,4000mSC(do you remember the meaning of SC? If you forget, let's read my 3rd topic!), 60m sprint run. They sounds fun for me but gradually have been changed. Since Melbourne Olympic in 1956 24 events of men have been conducted. I have introduced 21 event in this blog!! (The rests are two walking races and a marathon). The number of events of women is changing yet, 23 events was conducted at Beijing Olympic in 2012.

Because track and field have long history and many event of Olympic, so the number of medals have been awarded is very large. The country gets most medals is United States of America. America has 311 gold medals, 238 silver medals and 189 bronze medals.  The total is 738!! Compere with that, the number of Japanese medalists is 22. 7 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 8 bronze medals. Next, I'll introduce these gold medalist.

1928 Oda Mikio: Triple (man)
1932 Nanbu Tyuuhei: Triple (man)
1936 Tajima Naoto: Triple (man)
Son gijeon: marathon (man)
2000 Takahashi Naoko: marathon (woman)
2004 Murohushi Kouji: hammer (man)
Noguchi Mizuki: marathon (woman)

I am surprised that in old days Japanese men won three gold medals of Triple Jump!! It is because Japanese athletes who specialize in Jumps can't get any medals of Olympics recent day as long as I know. And also won three gold medals of marathon. Marathon called Japaneses “oiegei” that means strong in short!! About Murohushi Kouji I wrote in 5th topic, let's read it again!
It is pity that there is no gold medals of sprint run. But Japanese sprinter gradually become faster that they can compete in the world. Let's watch this video.→

This is the biggest historical event of track and field. At Beijing Olympic in 2008, Japanese 4*100mR team won the bronze medal as a first medalist of Japanese sprinter. That was great thing that win the relay because relay can't win only one runner's power!!

          Today I write about “Olympic” and Japanese gold medalist of Olympic. I hope that Japanese will win more gold medals of Olympic and World Championships!! 

My 10th topic “Olympic” is over. And this is the end of my blog. I am happy if who read this blog have more interest in track and field!! Thank you for your reading!! good bye.

Friday 15 February 2013

Week 9 "World Championships"

          Hello, this is my blog’s ninth topic!! Last week I wrote about “Artificial Leg” through talking about Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius who is runner with artificial legs. I have used two weeks (Week 7 & week 8) to talk about some problems of track and field. Since today, dark topics is over, I’ll write about two gorgeous events that “The World Championships” and “The Olympics”. They are the biggest two events of track and field and all athletes aim at winning!! Today I write about former, “The World Championships”.

    sorry I can't search good picture except Japanese...

          First, do you know what is “The World Championships”? It is too big track and field event equal to Olympics. It held in odd-numbered years so before and after the Olympics. It means that there is a year with no track and field big event per four years, that year I feel very boring!! would You know what is The World Championships somehow? “The World Championships” is a very important event for runner. But, “The World Championships” is a popular name, it is not official name. The official name is “IAAF World Championships in Athletics”. IAAF is appeared in last week topic, it is international unify organization of track and field. IAAF holding event, official name has IAAF.

          Second, when “The World Championships” started? Do you remember that I wrote in the first topic that track and field has too long history? Track and field has existed since the first Olympic in D.C 776. So you would think “The World Championships” also have long history, however, does not have. The first “The World Championships” was held in 1983 in Helsinki. It is very recent time!! The time when it began has something to do with why it began. It started as a substitute for Moscow Olympics that was boycotted by Western European countries (I don't write about the reason of boycott today). So if there wasn't the boycott, The World Championships isn't exist. Initially The World Championships had been held every four years, but since 1991 when it was held in Tokyo, has been held every two years. At the first time it was held in Europe many times but it is determined that it will be held alternately in Europe (the after year of Olympic) and in Asia (the before year of Olympic) by 2017. The number of countries participate in the event and world records that was born there is more than Olympics. The World Championships has short history, but it is the highest event of track and field.

          The most popular world record that was born in “The World Championships” is 100m and 200m by Usain St. Leo Bolt at Berlin in 2009. These races were so amazing and exciting race!! My second topic is written about him and there is a video of the 100m race that he made the world record. If you have not watched or you forgot, please read it!!

          Today I write about “IAAF World Championships in Athletics”. It will be held this year in Moscow. There was the Olympic in last year, so The World Championship will be held in Europe.
          My 9th week’s topic “ The World Championships” is over. Next time, I’ll write about the other big event “Olympics” and be happy you read it. See you next time.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Week 8 "Artificial leg"

                    Hello, this is my blog’s eighth topic! Last week, I wrote about “Doping problem”. It is very serious problem for not only track and field but all sports. I also write one of the problems today. It is about “an artificial leg”. First of all, I want you see this video.

                    His name is “Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius”. Hi is a runner who has artificial legs. So he is called a “Blade Runner”. I’ll tell you about the problem of artificial legs through telling about him.
His best time
              He is Paralympic and Olympic athlete of Republic of South Africa. As you have seen, he has no legs!! He was only 11 months of age, being cut below the knee because he had no the shin bone since he was born. And his both feet became the artificial legs but his ability of exercise is very high. When he was a high school student, he belonged to rugby club. One day he injured his right knee when he practiced of rugby. And he started track and field as a part of rehabilitation. It is the fateful encounter with track and field. It was in April 2001. Only 8 months after the meeting, he entered Athens Paralympics. In the Paralympics, he was third in the 100m (11.16), he won the gold medal with a new world record in the 200m (21.97)!! I run 200m at 22.66, so he was faster than I even though he had not started track and field less than one year!! After the Paralympics, he aimed at participating the Beijing Olympic. However the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) decided that Pistorius didn’t have a qualification as to participate in the Olympics due to his artificial legs was thought that have some advantages. But he couldn’t consent to the decision so he filed to the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) and he would be able to participate in the Olympics if he can run faster than standard record (400m: 45.30). And in July 2011 he ran 400m at his best time that 45.07, it had been decided to his competition in the London Olympic in 400m and 4*400mR. At the Olympic, he remained the semi-final in 400m and he ran the relay as an anchor. In the same year’s Paralympic he won the gold medal the both events.
              He is a very nice sprinter but there is a big problem that whether the artificial legs have same advantage or not. First, the IAAF decided that he should not participate in the Olympics because IAAF thought it has. This is my opinion, I also think he should not participate in the Olympics because of the unfairness. Whether it has any advantage or not, that can’t measure I think. Because there are many point of views the advantageous or disadvantageous. But the artificial legs are not unfair at least. He is surely a top of athlete so I want him to compete in his field, Paralympics.

              Today I write about artificial legs and Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius. He has no legs but he is a respectable runner!! I’ll tell you his word at lastYou're not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have

           My 8th week’s topic “artificial legs” is over. Next time, I’ll write about “The World Championships” and be happy you read it. See you next time!!

|Artificial leg|   ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;゚ロ゚)  |The World Champions|