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Thursday 27 December 2012

Week 3 "Mid- & long-distance"

             Hello, this is my blog’s third topic! Last week, I wrote about “sprints and hurdles” one of the track and field event. All of the events in sprints and hurdles are very short! Except 4*400mR, they may finish in at least 1 minutes. Today, turn around, I’ll write about “Mid- & long-distance”. As mentioned in last week’s topic, sprints and hurdles are my athletic event. So I don’t think I want to run too long distance more than 100m! Today also start by seeing the world recorders and their records.
800m...1.41.89(David Lekuta Rudisha : Kenya)
1500m...3.26.00(Hicham El Guerrouj : Morocco)
5000m...12.37.35(Kenenisa Bekele : Ethiopia)
10000m...23.17.53(Kenenisa Bekele : Ethiopia)
3000mSC...7.53.63(Saif Saaeed Shaheen : Qatar)                       
800m...1.53.28(Jarmila Kratochvilova : Ceskoslovenska republika)
1500m...3.50.49(曲雲霞 (Qǔ Yúnxiá)  : China)
5000m...14.11.15(Tirunesh Dibaba : Ethiopia)
10000m...29.31.78(王軍霞 (Wang Junxia) : China)
3000mSC...8.53.81(Gulnara Iskanderovna Samitova-Galkina : Russia)
event … time (name : country)
              As you know, there are more other events for example a walking race and a marathon and …, but they have many different distance and many world records with its variety. So I write about only track events today.


As not the last week (sprints and hurdles), they don’t lean one or two country. But recently worldwide track and field games, Kenya and Ethiopia are too strong. In London Olympic (2012), in spite of the world recorder Kenenisa Bekele was default by his injuries, the two country won many medals. Especially 5000m and 10000m, men won three medals without Kenenisa Bekele and women won six medals. In other words, the two events that 5000m and 10000m of women, Kenya and Ethiopia made a monopoly of a winner’s plat form!


By the way, I think you have no idea that what is the event of one event. It is 3000mSC. Do you think what is 3000mSC? Today I focus on this strange event.   First, 3000mSC is what kind of events? To say simply, it is the event to run 3000m with crossing 28 obstacles and 7 water jumps. The obstacle is like a balance beam. Four obstacles are placed in 400m (a track round) and one water jump is placed in 400m. The height of the obstacle of men is 91.4cm, of women is 76.2cm. The depth of the water jump is 0.7m regardless sex, and the length of it of men is 3.66m, of women is 30.6m. These obstacles are too heavy to move easy, it is usual for world crass runners to stumble over them. Running 3000m is too hard for me but in addition to running, I should cross many obstacles? I couldn’t imagine the bitterness!

Second, I explain about the name where comes from. 3000m signify the length, what is the meaning of “S” and “C”? “S” means Steeple, “C” means Chase. To write 3000mSC without omitting, it is “Three thousand meters Steeple Chase”. “Steeple” means a tall pointed tower on the roof of a church, and “Chase” means to quickly follow someone or something in order to catch them. (Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English). Namely, Steeple Chase means that to compete to a tall pointed tower on the roof of a church or to hunt with riding a horse. Therefore, people have called obstacle race of horses in Britain Steeple Chase. And the race that people running and crossing obstacles instead of horses named this name.

Third, how this strange event have been spreaded? In 1850, some students in Oxford held an outside race that had twenty four obstacles. There were twenty four runners and all of them running 3128m (2 miles) with passing through streams and wetlands. Since then, it is be realized that the outside race change for inside by placing some artificial obstacles in the schoolyard. About 1860, many public schools and universities have held a track and field athletic meeting or an interscholastic match, the obstacle race was adapted as a formal event. The interscholastic of Oxford VS Cambridge in 1964, 2 miles obstacles race was held. It is supposed one of the factors of staying the event as in a ground.


Today I write about Mid- & long-distance especially 3000mSC. Do you understand the meaning of S and C? Who read this topic is surely understanding!

My 3rd week’s topic “Mid- & long-distance” is over. Next time, I’ll write about “Jumps” and be happy you read it. See you next time.


 Mid- & long-distance|  ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;゚ロ゚)  |Jumps|


Tuesday 18 December 2012

Week 2 "sprints and hurdles"

Hello, this is my blog’s second topic! Last week, I wrote about history of Track and Field. Did you have more interest in it? If it is So, I am happy! Today, I’ll write about one of the Track and Field events “sprints and hurdles”. It is my athletic event! First, let’s see the world recorders and them records.
100m ... 9.58 (Usain St. Leo Bolt : Jamaica)
200m ... 19.19 (Usain St. Leo Bolt : Jamaica)
400m ... 43.18 (Michael Duane Johnson : United States of America)
110mH ... 12.80 (Aries Merritt : United States of America)
400mH... 46.78 (Kevin Curtis Young : United States of America)
4*100mR... 36.84 (Jamaica)
4*400mR ... 2.54.29 (United States of America)
100m ... 10.49 (Florence Griffith-Joyner : United States of America)
200m ... 12.34 (Florence Griffith-Joyner : United States of America)
400m ... 47.60 (Marita Kochc : East Germany)
100mH ... 12.21 (Yordanka Donkova : Blugaria)
400mH ... 52.34 (Yuliya Sergeyevna Pechonkina : Russia)
4*100mR ... 40.82 (United States of America)
4*400mR ... 3.15.17 (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
event … time (name : country)

              As you see, world recorders of man, there are only two countries. USA and Jamaica. The two countries called “Great nation of Track and Field”, and recently the two countries almost win worldwide Track and Field games regardless of the sex. For instance, the result of 100m and 4*100mR in London Olympic (2012) is the following.

1st … 9.63 (Usain St. Leo Bolt : Jamaica)
2nd … 9.75 (Yohan Blake : Jamaica)
3rd … 9.79 (Justin Gatlin : United States of America)
1st … 36.84 (Jamaica)
2nd … 37.04 (United States of America)

1st … 10.75 (Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce : Jamaica)
2nd … 10.78 (Carmelita Jeter : United States of America)
3rd … 10.81 (Veronica Campbell-Brown : Jamaica)
1st … 40.82 (United States of America)
2nd … 41.41 (Jamaica)

There are only USA and Jamaica!!

              The most famous runner is Usain St. Leo Bolt, isn’t it? If you are not so interested in Track and Field, you have heard the name once. As mentioned earlier he has two world records. So he called “The Fastest Man”. First, I’d like you to watch this video.

              This is the running of The Fastest Man!! I can run 100m at 11.05, so he is faster than I one and half seconds or more within running only 100m! Next, I’ll write about him more detail. He was born in August 21, 1986. He is 26 years old. When he was 12 years old, he started Track and Field in earnest. His first glory is World Junior Championships (2002), he was 15 years old. He was won the Championship as the youngest. But he had been suffering from injured about 5 years. By the way, his characteristic as a runner are height (he is 198cm tall!) and running form. His running form is differently from others. He runs while waving his body extreme. The form is from his physical problem that his backbone is awry. To omit detailed explanation, He tend to be injured his leg. For the reason, he couldn’t win for five years but after he overcame long hard training, he returned. Olympic of Beijing (2008), he won three events (100m, 200m, 4*100mR) with world new records of all! (9.69, 19.30, 37.10) His wonderful advance wasn’t stop there, next year, World Championship in Berlin he renewed the records again. (9.58, 19.19) And to say about him, we can’t forget this happening.

            Today, I write about sprints and hurdles especially Usain St. Leo Bolt. He is respectable runner! Next year, there will be World Championship! I hope him to make new record!!

My 2nd week’s topic “sprints and hurdles ” is over. Next time, I’ll write about “Mid- & long-distance” and be happy you read it. see you next time.

|Sprints & hurdles|ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;゚ロ゚)┛→|Mid- & long-distance|

Sunday 9 December 2012

Week 1 "history"

Hello, I am a university student and belong to Track and Field club. And, I am sprinter who is runner especially 100m&200m.I’ll write about Track and Field in ten weeks. If you have a little interest in Track and Field, please read them and make comment, I’ll happy!

First, I’ll write about Track and Field’s history, beginning and development. Track and Field said that started in D.C.776. It is ancient first Olympic, but there were only sprint running called “stadion run” What is “stadion run”? It is just like 100m, but the length of running was not decided. Every player runs the length of stadium. Why or who started is unknown but I think, only running straight is best thing to distinguish that who is the greatest in physical. Because it is too simple! Since these days, Track and Field showed extensive as a sport in whole Europe spending long time. But in 13 to 16th century in Britain, to enjoy playing sports was limited due to some war. After that, in 17th century the limitation was over and sports did very well again. The actions of Track and Field’s organizations had activated since 19th century. It was because there was one idea that sports as a physical education in the school are important whole Europe, in the background. When Track and Field spread as a modern sport is after the Renaissance (The historical cultural revolution or movement which is going to revive the culture of classic ancient times) and first Athnes Olympics in 1896 caused an expance of Track and Field of every country in the world.

              Talk about a worldwide scale will be over, next, I’ll talk about how Track and Field was reached or expanded in Japan. In Japan, Track and Field was transmitted from Europe in early states of meiji. In correct, it is supposed that it was bringed by a teacher of “the navy soldier college house” from British. There are two keywords, “the navy soldier college house” and “British teacher”. It have a few relationship so I explain simply, “the navy soldier college house” is the organization that was made to have navy make stronger. However, only this words can’t make us sure the relationship of Europe and Track and Field. Here, the second keyword “British teacher” have to do with. Because the navy soldier college house was established to make navy stringer to learn the modernistic Western type, there was a teacher who employed from Europe as a matter of course. Probably, there was one who was well informed about Track and Field in them. Track and Field were carried into Japan the grace of these two historical and accidental events. Now, the first time the Japanese Track and Field player joined world congress was at the 5th Stockholm Olympic in 1912. At this time, the historical runner who taken part in were “mishima yahiko” who was short and middle distance runner and “kanaguri shisou” who was long distance player.

              This is the beginning and developing of Track and Field, would you think interesting? Track and Field have long history just because it would be simple. However, the simplicity makes Track and Field exciting, I think.

              My 1st week’s topic “history” is over. Next time, I’ll write about “Sprints & hurdles” and be happy you read it. See you next time.

|history|   ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;゚ロ゚)┛→  |Sprints & hurdles|